God is Good

- Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My core theology is that God exists, and that he is Good.

  • God is,
  • God is Good, and
  • God wants to connect.

God Is

I know that God Is.

God is Good

Building on my conviction of his existence:

By definition, God is a (the) creator. It is not plausible that God would be irrational. To create and destroy on a whim is not rational; his actions are fully intentional. A rational, intentional God is not congruent with a God who would act in bad faith.

Therefore: given a rational God - a creator, I can extrapolate that he creates and acts with only good intent.

So, assuming a rational, prime mover, what would such a being intend toward his creation? Not harm. Not destruction. Not senseless pain.

Then what? I can only reasonably conclude that a complete, sovereign God would intend good, and would act to effect good.

And so I have come to complete conviction that God is Good

God wants to connect

I believe we can infer some of God’s nature by his creation. A God who is good, and who creates with good intent, and whose creation seems utterly based on relationship and connection, must be seeking to connect with his creation.

So I look for evidence of God reaching out to his creation. Of every “God story” I know about; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Animism, Ancestor Worship - only the story of incarnation (God clothing himself with flesh and living with us, and making a way for us to reach him), seems congruent with the nature of a Good God. Thus the third cornerstone of my faith: God wants to connect with humankind.

God sent his son, Jesus Christ, in order to be reconciled with humankind.

Faith God
Personal Theology